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Free Range Cattle

Welcome to Rustaret Farm

Heritage Breeds for a Sustainable Future

At Rustaret Farm, we raise heritage livestock on pasture -- purebred Wiltshire Horn and polled Wiltshire sheep, and Wiltshire, Katahdin and Dorper hybrids; as well as Belted Galloway, Kerry and American Milking Devon cattle.  These breeds are relatively low maintenance, and have the genetics to do well on a grain-free diet.  We use regenerative methods of farming to enhance and protect biodiversity on our 300 acres in central Prince Edward Island. Named for its creators, owners and operators, Rusty Bittermann and Margaret McCallum, Rustaret Farm is roughly 20 km (12 miles) from the Confederation Bridge.  

Horned Wiltshire flock in chicory field
Belted Galloway with Calf

At Rustaret Farm, we seek to minimize labour and capital inputs, and we work with natural systems to maintain the health of our animals, and to build the carbon content and life of the farm’s soils.


Rustaret’s pastures, fencerows, woods, streams and ponds provide habitat for wild flora and fauna who share the farm with our cattle and sheep, who are our allies in converting crop land to permanent pasture.

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